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CG-4423 Form: What You Should Know

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing CG-4423 Form

Instructions and Help about CG-4423 Form

Okay, this is how you thread the upper thread guides on the CG series of machines, which includes the CG 500, the CG 550, and the CG 590. First, we're going to give you a side view for a better understanding. The first thing you need to do is bring the thread from the spool over to this guide. Go behind the guide and then into it, just lay it underneath and pull it to the back. This will pull it right into the guide. Next, move over to the right-hand side of the guide, where the thread should fit right inside. Now, it goes under and twists around, which helps to prevent any thread knots or tangles during sewing. Let's repeat the process. Come over from the spool, go behind the guide, lift up, and pull to the back. It will go right inside. Then, swing over to the right of the guide, where it will rest inside a little slit. Lay it on the right-hand side of this guide, go under, and loop around. The thread should rest on the metal guide. From there, go down, around your tension, your upper take-up lever, and finally to your needle. This video focuses on these two thread guides specifically. Let's do it one more time. Again, go under and into the back. Swing over to the right, lay on the right-hand side of the guide, loop under, and rest on the metal guide. Then, go down to your tension, around your take-up lever, and to your needle. This is how you use the thread guides on the CG series of machines, including the CG 500, CG 590, and CG 550.