All right, if you've considered a career on the water, you need to get your captain's license. In this video, we're gonna break down exactly the how, why, what, and where about your captain's license. Here we go! Alright, so that was close to a bunch of Melissa sitting on a rock over there. I had to throw just on the inside of the rock, but I got a few. Music, Music, Music. In order to take paying customers, you need your captain's license. It doesn't matter how big or small your boat is. If people are giving you money to take them out fishing on a boat or scuba diving, anything like that, you're gonna need your captain's license. But if you're a recreational boater and you're taking out friends or family, it doesn't matter how big or small your boat is, you do not need your captain's license. But I certainly recommend it. There's a ton I learned in sea school, and Tim's going to break down a few more reasons as to why you need your captain's license. The Coast Guard needs to know and needs to be able to certify the fact that you know what you're doing on the water. You can navigate on the water, that you know how to operate your vessel safely, you know how to care for all your paid customers who are aboard the vessel, CPR, all those sorts of things to go with it. Also, when you have your captain's license, there are certain benefits such as lower insurance premiums for your boat and so forth. So if you want to be taking paying customers aboard your vessel, you need to be Coast Guard certified. Clean and simple, exactly. So, as we said, paying customers only. You got to have your captain's license,...
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Uscg rec Form: What You Should Know
Reference Number — If you have been credentialed by the Coast Guard in the past, if not, enter “CX.” Date of Service-If the Coast Guard Date of Service-If the Coast Guard Name — In the case of a veteran, do not use an S, but instead the last three letters of all names you may have used to be enlisted Name — In the case of a veteran, do not use an S, but instead the last three letters of all names you may have used to be enlisted Gender, Height, Weight and Date of Birth Gender, Height, Weight and Date of Birth Age at Service — In the case of a veteran, enter your date of birth, unless you have changed your name Age at Service — In the case of a veteran, enter your date of birth, unless you have changed your name Date of Service at Current Age — Date of Service at Current Age — Your name, date of birth and serial number may be entered. You must check the correct box Date of Service at Current Age — Award-Informing Information — If you have been credentialed, enter your award number, if any. Award-Informing Information — If you have been credentialed, enter your award number, if any. The National Merit Recognition Certificate (NMC) is a certificate that recognizes your meritorious performance of sea duty. Each year, applicants must complete and submit an online application as a non-immigrant national applicant prior to the date of selection for admission into the United States as a seafarer. Applicants who were born outside the United States to two parents both residing in the United States automatically qualify for the National Merit Recognition Certificate. Individuals who were born outside the United States to immigrant parents, have U.S. citizenship and naturalization, and have two U.S. citizen parents, can be issued the National Merit Recognition Certificate. The Coast Guard selects applicants for the National Merit Recognition Certificate by conducting a background investigation using the National Criminal Information Center (CIC), the National Background Investigations Bureau (BIB) and other Federal and State authorities. Applicants selected to take the National Merit Recognition examination must provide an original or certified copy of an alien registration card that shows a U.S.
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